Join our Premium Members Club

(Formerly know as VIP Membership)


For just the tiny fee of 1.99, our premium members have full access to our entire, privately-hosted archive of over 460+, advert-free, guided meditation and relaxation videos.

The archive is updated weekly in line with our YouTube publishing schedule.

Our Premium Members Club is managed via Patreon and is set at exactly the same ultra-low price level as our YouTube channel membership. It allows full (advert-free) access to all our available videos and audio** without the need for a YouTube membership or a Google account.

The members-only archive is available via this portal or from the home page of our Website. 

It is accessed via a password that is made available to all members.

The archive comes with a search bar so you can find your favourite videos with just a few clicks. 

Further details about the Premium Members Club can be found on our FAQ pge here. 

PLEASE NOTE: We are currently undergoing a name change from “VIP Members Archive”, to “Premium Members Club”, and some of the links/references may still be using the older name. It is exactly the same service, nothing is changing apart from the name, so the older links/references are still all valid.

Join here…


Click here to become a member via YouTube channel Membership

**excluding occasional material reserved for exclusive distribution (album-only tracks etc).